
Versatility | Seamless | Innovative
  • 14


  • + 10

    years of experience in e-commerce activities

  • + 13 M

    orders managed per year

  • + 50

    years of know-how in the B2B sector

Our omnichannel & e-commerce solutions

When it comes to the shopping experience, there are no boundaries between online and offline. E-commerce is the new norm in the global logistics market.
Synchronising the buying ecosystem, however, requires the supply chain to deliver a seamless omnichannel sales experience.


At FM Logistic, we offer a comprehensive suite of e-commerce and omnichannel logistics solutions for a seamless end-to-end supply chain. It includes order orchestration and inbound logistics, fulfillment, outbound and post-sale operations with advanced automation, multiple delivery solutions, returns management or customer service capabilities.

From the creation of your online shop to the shipping of your goods, including returns management and delivery. We use our expertise to provide the most flexible and cost-effective solutions adjusted to your business needs.


The added value of the supply chain lies in understanding future consumer trends, the complexity of distribution channels and the choices to be made.
We use our expertise, our collective intelligence and the latest technologies to imagine new models for a more responsible supply chain. Our goal is to co-design the next generation of supply chain models and omnichannel logistics solutions with our clients.

Our solutions to support you

  • Flexible and agile omnichannel logistics solutions and order management platform

    Our OMS technology links all orders from your EDI and global marketplaces to your individual online shop. It connects all orders to our fulfillment centre to provide real-time omnichannel tracking information, visibility into inventory levels and forecasting.


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  • Advanced omnichannel operations under One Roof

    Our Fulfillment solution, the One Roof concept, offers the possibility of massifying flows regardless of the sales channel. It is based on the optimisation of the economic model of warehouse storage with synergy as the central idea. A single omnichannel facility for fulfillment means more flexible management of sales peaks and seasonality, reduced transport costs and risks, and reduced environmental impact of products. In addition, it allows for economies of scale, process optimisation and, ultimately, improved competitiveness.

    Our omnichannel logistics solutions for fulfillment provide:

    • A single inbound and outbound flow for online and offline.
    • High efficiency and flexible storage capacities: real-time stock updates, goods available for all channels, optimal storage methods.
    • Pick & Pack, assembly of your orders, appropriate packaging with individual labelling so that your order is ready for dispatch.
    • High-productivity technologies for single picking: AGVs (Autonomous)


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  • Mutualisation and synergies for a more responsible products delivery

    We are a single strategic point of contact for our customers, ensuring that all products are delivered on time, intact and at the right price everywhere.
    We cover all types of shipping, from last mile to cross-border and green alternatives, either with our in-house capabilities or through brokerage. We provide a service for customers in cooperation with most of the last mile delivery options on the market to give you better control and visibility of the entire shipping process: local delivery on demand, possibility of cash on delivery (COD), optimisation of delivery routes, instant tracking of parcel delivery and returns management.
    All our operations are done in a standardised way – without delays and with detailed records of what we have delivered, to whom and when.


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  • Customer-centric value chain services

    Improved customer satisfaction can lead to more positive reviews and more sales. At FM Logistic, we provide trusted customer support for enquiries, returns and refunds in the local languages in 14 countries with 3 different level:

    • Multi-client staff, Order confirmation & fraud mitigation and track & trace of parcels delivery
    • Dedicated team, News, promo, special offers, Claim processing, Service quality survey and Cancellation & refund of order
    • Dedicated team, Data analytics and Product/Service consulting


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Client Business Cases

  • Warehousing

    Evolutive operation ramp up adjusted to huge growth ambition

    Read the case study
  • Transport aerian și maritim

    Global | Eficiență |De la un capăt la altul

    Read the case study
  • Comerțul electronic în India – „noul normal” pentru consumatori și lanțuri de aprovizionare?

    Răspândirea fără precedent a COVID-19 a schimbat modul în care funcționează afacerile. Igiena personală și distanțarea socială au apărut ca priorități de top. Drept urmare, cumpărăturile online au devenit nu numai o necesitate, ci mai mult o schimbare a stilului de viață pe măsură ce ne adaptăm la noul normal. Accelerare mult așteptată sau schimbare … Continued

    Read the case study
  • Transport aerian și maritim

    Global | Eficiență |De la un capăt la altul

    Read the case study
  • Comerțul electronic în India – „noul normal” pentru consumatori și lanțuri de aprovizionare?

    Răspândirea fără precedent a COVID-19 a schimbat modul în care funcționează afacerile. Igiena personală și distanțarea socială au apărut ca priorități de top. Drept urmare, cumpărăturile online au devenit nu numai o necesitate, ci mai mult o schimbare a stilului de viață pe măsură ce ne adaptăm la noul normal. Accelerare mult așteptată sau schimbare … Continued

    Read the case study

Interested in Omnichannel?

Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of omnichannel? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!

Supply Chain Solutions

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