
Publication of partial spinoff project: FM Romania Freight Forwarding

15 May 2024 | Publication of partial spinoff project

On May 15, 2024

Considering the partial spin-off process by which, part of the patrimony of  FM Romania SRL corresponding to the provision of international transport road transport services will be universally transferred to FM Romania Freight Forwarding SRL, as announced by the communication dated 7th May 2024, as well as the fact that the Office of the Trade Registry attached to the Timis Court accepted the filing request accompanied by the mentioning documents no 34566 from 8th May 2024 for FM Romania SRL, respectively the filing request accompanied by the mentioning documents no 34568  from 8th May 2024 for FM Romania Freight Forwarding SRL, FM Romania SRL, as divided company, publishes the Project for partial spinoff of FM Romania SRL signed on 9th May 2024.

The spinoff Project can be consulted on this webpage, at the headquarters of the companies, participating in the spinoff process as well as in the Electronic Bulletin of the Trade Register.

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